Welcome to my photography website. The site features images that I've exhibited in galleries and at festivals here in Canada and the united States.
A major emphasis of my work has been the River on the Run Project, an artist collective made up of myself, Rhian Brynjolson (painter and illustrator), and Bob Haverluck. River on the Run creates work based on our shared experience of living within the Lake Winnipeg Watershed. Integrating a variety of art forms and disciplines, and working in collaboration with biologists and climate scientists, our work investigates the increasingly fragile relationship between humans and their habitats.I've been lucky to have worked with amazing artists from all disciplines and to have traveled a lot with my camera in hand. I hope you enjoy the collection of images on the site.
You can find all the information about upcoming shows, exhibitions, books, music, events and releases on my main website (click on the link below).